Share your videos

Share your videos

If you want share video of your city on our YouTube channel, then you can record small small video clips and send to us. We will use your video in our video projects and upload it on YouTube. If you want we will put your name and other details in video description. There are 2 ways of send your videos to us.
  • You can download our android application in your device and send us your videos through app. But that app do not support large videos.
  • You can copy your video in google drive and send video link on [email protected]

Links for download


Privacy policy of this app is available here

For submit your videos with us you should accept Terms and Conditions. Please read them fully.


All users must be of at least the age of 13. We reserve the right to modify or terminate the Video Share service for any reason, without notice at any time. We reserve the right to alter these Terms of Use at any time. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. By sending your videos you are giving us permission to use your entire video and parts of video in our videos. You are accepting that your video do not have any illegal activity, and against law of any government of any country. Video should not recorded in no camera zone. You are giving us permission to upload videos on YouTube and on another sites without your permission. You are giving us permission to edit and modify your videos and we can use your videos where we want. You are giving us permission to monetize those videos. The videos which you will send us, you are responsible that you have recorded those videos and you have the authority to share those videos with us for anything.
