

Do you want to add lots of fun to SMS, emails, Facebook and Twitter and other social networking sites? Then use this app to create amazing text effects. With this application you can write in different different styles and sizes and can also rotate text

Links for download


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How to use:

In this application you will see two textboxes, In left side's textbox you can write, and right side textbox will show stylied text.

Tap on left side's textbox and type what you want.

Now click on Generate button. It will copy text from left textbox to right textbox and will change its style to selected style.

You can select any style by pressing styles button from bottom, which it next to Generate button. Now it will show a list of available styles.
There a list of style is available, scroll and click on any style which you like.
Then text style of right textbox will be change.

you can copy it by tapping text in textbox, after tap text will be highlight and a copy icon will be display near to highlighted text, Click on that icon, Now text will be copy into clipboard.

Now open any application/webpage where you want to use that text.

And in that application when you will start typing anything then past icon will be show on keyboard.

Press paste icon, and your stylied text will be pasted.
Done ;)

How to create your own style

In application you can save your own 5 text styles. Click on Edit/Add styles

Now choose which style you want to edit, then click on Edit button.

 After click edit button, a textbox from bottom will be enable, Click on it and edit its characters.
for edit style you need to type/copy here text in this format


And no space should be in this, You can search characters on internet on some are also available in your device. Just press and hold any character key from keyboard and it will show its related characters (if available) and choose your favorite.

When you finish then click on save button.

Now your style will be save.

Now you can use your own modified style. In list of available styles choose your style and see its effect on text.


How to close application in Windows Phone 8.1 and 10

In Windows Phone 8.1 when you will press back button, then this application will not be close. This application will be minimize (because Back button don't terminate processes of appx files). So for close this application press and hold back key, scroll left/right and find this application.
Scroll down this application.
Now application will be close. :)
You can close all application in Windows Phone 8.1 in this way. ;)
